This week we're taking a look at some great blog posts from our MVPs on AJAX, Excel, Windows
Phone 7, Windows 8 and Windows Azure.
1. Calling Web Services Using AJAX
By Visual C# MVP Jonathan Wood
Jonathan presents an ASP.NET WebForms application that will submit data to the server and get
a response, all without refreshing the current page
2. Odata Tool Spotlight PowerPivot for Excel 2010
By ASP.NET/IIS MVP Lohith Nagaraj | @kashyapa
Lohith walks us through PowerPivot for Excel 2010.
3. How to Send Email in WP7 Using the EmailComposeTask?
By Silverlight MVP Kunal Chowdhury | @kunal2383
Learn how to compose an email using the Windows Phone 7 SDK class called
4. Build a WinRT Metro App to Access the Windows 8 File System
By Silverlight MVP Michael Crump | @mbcrump
Windows 8 introduces a new native runtime called Windows Runtime (WinRT), which is the
backbone of the new Metro user experience in Windows 8. Michael walks you through the
process of creating a Windows 8 C# and XAML Metro application and demonstrate how to
manipulate files programmatically.
5. Understanding Windows Azure Security
By Windows Azure MVP Michael Collier | @michaelcollier
Michael walks us through a seven part series on securing Windows Azure.